Returns - Shelf Pulls - Clearance
FOB South Carolina
WM238311; Qty 470; Approx Retail Value $62630; Cost $17536
Heavy in Electronics, Sporting Goods, Housewares
WM238312; Qty 481; Approx Retail Value $62823; Cost $17590
Heavy in Housewares, Home Improvement, Sporting Goods
Shelf Pulls, Customer Returns, and Closeouts from one of the world's largest retailers. Walmart GM loads have Housewares, Sporting Goods, Home Improvement, Outdoor, Automotive, Toys, Accent Furniture, Luggage, and more!
#truckloads #liquidation #pallets #salvage #generalmerchandise #onlinereturns #overstock #closeouts #domestics #healthandbeauty #HBA #groceries #housewares #homeimprovement #hardware #tools #apparel #electronics #Ohio #baby #GM #furniture #sportinggoods #personalcomputers #automotive #kitchen #lawnandgarden #mobileelectronics #officesupplies #personalcareappliances