Online Returns - Unclaimed Site-to-Store - Undeliverables
FOB Texas
WMCOM237943; Qty 140; Retail $12841; Cost $5778 Heavy in Toys & Bikes
FOB Indiana
WMCOM237944; Qty 46; Retail $9803; Cost $2941 Heavy in Sporting Goods, Outdoor Living
WMCOM237945; Qty 89; Retail $11522; Cost $5185 Heavy in Sporting Goods, Outdoor Living, GM General Merchandise Truckloads can have a variety of categories including Cooking & Dining, Sporting Goods, Toys & Bikes, Home Appliances, Housewares, Outdoor & Garden, Furniture & Luggage, and more
Online Returns, Mis-Shipped, Undeliverables, and frequently larger items are Ship-To-Store items that were never picked up and had to be liquidated!
#truckloads #liquidation #pallets #salvage #generalmerchandise #onlinereturns #overstock #closeouts #domestics #healthandbeauty #HBA #groceries #housewares #homeimprovement #hardware #tools #apparel #electronics #Ohio #baby #GM #furniture #sportinggoods #personalcomputers #automotive #kitchen #lawnandgarden #mobileelectronics #officesupplies #personalcareappliances