Online Returns - Unclaimed Site-to-Store - Undeliverables - Closeouts - Overstock
FOB Indiana
WMCOM237436; Qty 7331; Retail $101608; Cost $15241 Heavy in Apparel
FOB Texas
WMCOM237437; Qty 7307; Retail $118848; Cost $17827 Heavy in Apparel
Sweatshirts, T-Shirts, Flannel, Shoes, Sleepwear, Pants, Joggers, Jackets, Shorts, Leggings, Pullovers, Swimsuits, Cardigans, Jeans, and much more for Men's, Women's, and Childrens
Online Returns, Mis-Shipped, Undeliverables, and Ship-To-Store items that were never picked up and had to be liquidated!

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