Returns - Shelf Pulls - Clearance
FOB Texas
KL238243; Qty 847; Wholesale $37862; Cost $9087 Heavy in Housewares, Domestics, Apparel
FOB Indiana
KL238244; Qty 3703; Wholesale $97577; Cost $21467 Heavy in Apparel, Housewares, Domestics, Nike
PLUS Several More Loads!
Kohls Mixed Loads have a variety of categories from Kohls Department Stores including Apparel, Domestics, Housewares, Shoes, Toys, Seasonal, Outwear, Nike, Denim, Health & Beauty, Baby Products, and more
Lots of name brand items from Keurig, Emeril, Powerbeats Pro, Vornado, LEGO, Nike, Haggar, Laura Ashley, Beats, Foodsaver, and more
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